By donating to Partners for Paiute, you are providing assistance to those who seek help at Paiute Neighborhood Center or other City of Scottsdale senior and community centers. Your donations impact people in our community including families with infants to teens, and seniors too.

Emergency Grants
We have supported the community with 44 emergency requests in fiscal year 2023 - 2024.
Like many cities across the country, there are residents in Scottsdale struggling with limited income. Â In many situations they do not have funds for car repairs, medical expenses, utilities and food options, or are in need of rent/housing assistance. Each day they are faced with the daunting challenge to provide a safe environment and healthy life for themselves and their families. Emergency grants are funds that Partners for Paiutes provides directly to an individual or family after their need has been assessed by a City of Scottsdale social worker and they determine that all other possibilities for funds have been exhausted or simply do not exist. Funds are one-time requests that change the quality of life for the individual or family.
Family Resource Center
Partners supports the Family Resource Center through funding of programs and activities offered to families with young children. The Center offers guidance and support for families with young children by providing access to resources, referrals to support services, and educational programs to ensure healthy growth and development for Scottsdale's youngest learners and their families as they grow and thrive together. Partners has funded the establishment of a literacy program at the Center, which provides family reading programs and gifts books to young children to read and enjoy in their home. Partners also funds the Emergency Diaper Bank, which makes diapers, wipes and formula available at the Paiute Community Center for families in need of these items.

Community Programs
Partners also supports a variety of community programs offered at Paiute Neighborhood Center, including English as a Second Language classes, free legal aid clinics, emergency food boxes and community festivals.
Providing an Emergency Food Box is critical in stabilizing a family dealing with a financial crisis. Once a family is identified as needing and qualifying for food assistance or other state-supported programs, there is a time period to apply and receive assistance. A food box can make a big difference to a hungry child in the short-term. We fund the purchase of protein/meat to supplement donated food box items. Partners also provides funding for interpretation services in conjunction with the Scottsdale Bar Association monthly legal aid clinic. In addition, we support annual community festivals that bring the neighborhood together. Recent festivals have centered on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) learning, Health Resources and incorporate a great deal of fun and hands on activity.
Partners for Paiute is an all volunteer organization with minimal expenses and no paid staff. Virtually every dollar raised provides direct support to deserving Scottsdale residents in need.